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CKSTEM will share amazing math and computing problems on a regular interval for you to try. We hope you will enjoy these. Let us know if you have any interesting problems that you would like us to publish.
May 16, 2021In this week's problem, we need your help to crack a magic square. This magic square requires you to apply your factoring skills to find a product of numbers in one of its diagonal i.e. AxBXC. We have chosen this problem for a reason this summer. Do you know why B always feels very cold? It's...May 2, 2021In this week's problem, we need you to help us find a secret code so that we can have a pool party inside a pyramid of negative numbers. We have chosen these negatives to keep all our participants negative from COVID. Your safety is our primary concern, hence, use a mask and follow social...CKSTEM Summer Contests are starting soon. To give some flavour of the problems to the students, we will post a set of special brain fertilizers in the next few weeks. Let's start with our very own problem where you need to help us establish a mathematical connection between CKSTEM and our 3...Problems & Quizzes by Topics
Pyramid of negative numbers (difficulty level 3)
Establish A Mathematical Connection Between The Summer Contests (difficulty level 2)
Creative Math - Substitution Arithmetic (difficulty level 3)
Order of operations Quiz (difficulty level 2)
Basic Fractions and Decimals Quiz (difficulty level 2)
Addition Quiz (difficulty level 1)
Subtraction Quiz (difficulty level 1)
Multiplication Quiz (difficulty level 1)
Division Quiz (difficulty level 1)
A delicate relationship - percents, fractions, & decimals (difficulty level 1)
Advanced Exponent Comparison Strategies Quiz (difficulty level 3)
Quadratic Equation Quiz (difficulty level 3)
Using Triangle Inequalities (difficulty level 3)
Missing Angles (difficulty level 1)
Why Can't We Make Exactly 7 Friends? (difficulty level 2)
Classic Legacy Puzzles (difficulty level 2)